Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 5

Today we took our time and left rather late in the day but early in the evening, for the Victory
Ceremonies. First up was the celebration of the NorthWest Territories, which was very interesting - btw I've re-newed my pact to take the horses up there within the next year or two, for a week or two of trekking :) Then we oh-so-joyously (oh, sense the sarcasm) celebrated the US's 4 medals (well, I admit I was happy to see the individuals themselves win their medals, US or not, hehe, and really I'm only sarcastic about the US itself accumulating medals because it seems their people here are getting quite cocky, haha - but who blames 'em, eh), as well as Norway's, Australia, Sweden, and Poland. Lastly, we had...THEORY OF A DEADMAN!!! YES!!!! Lol. It's been several years since I last saw them and since they're the first concert I ever saw, they hold a special place in my heart ;P They were awesome, and I forgot how hott the lead singer is!! LOL :P

Tomorrow (Day 6 of our Olympic involvement) up: Men's Curling Round Robin CAN versus GBRIT :)

Oh, and we're (CAN) up another medal (a GOLD!) today, thanks to Men's Skeleton (Montgomery, 7 one hundredths of a second - did you see him chugging that pitcher afterwards - atta boy!! Haha!)!!! The streets here were loud and wild with the win, haha.

We have been walking a good 5km (min) each day (some days several more, some days a km or two less) so by the end of this I had better be missing some winter chub!! LOL ;P

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